The Ministry of Industry and Trade is planning to enforce the system of numerical score of wheelchairs with electric drive and medical beds. This will allow supporting the Russian manufacturers to face the start of the program of re-equipment of convalescence homes. Thus, the ministry tries not to allow an increase of manufacturers with poor level of localization and to restrict the prevalence of foreign vendors in the market of medical devices designed for remedial actions. The corresponding amendments will be added to the Government Resolution No.719 dated the 17th of July, 2015.

The wheelchairs with electric drive will be estimated by scoring for all the 15 operations of finish assembling: marking and packing will receive at least two points, and cycle and technology of producing of metal parts will receive up to 20 points. The devices should be considered as localized in case when the technological operations of the manufacturer plant receives 65 points in the period of up to the 31st of December, 2023. From this very date, the requirements will be hardened up to 85 points.

Technological process for sickbeds and adaptive medical beds should include nine operations. Testing and paint coating will be estimated by 5 points each, the technology of holes drilling will receive 15 points, and welded constructions – 20 points, respectively. The device should be considered as a Russian-made one if it succeeds to get 55 points before the 31st of December, 2023, and then – 85 points, similarly to the requirements to the wheelchairs.

The amendments to the Resolution, when accepted, will come into force since the date of official publication. It will not affect the previously confirmed certificates on production on the territory of the Russian Federation that should be valid till the end of the set validity period.

The Ministry of Industry and Trade estimate the annual demand for electric-driven wheelchairs as for thousand items. In 2021, according to the information of the Social Insurance Fund, more than two thousands of wheelchairs have been bought at total price of 312,3 million rubles. At the same time, the production capacities of the Russian plants allow to produce about 7,5 thousands medical devices annually and, as a result, to satisfy the market demand.

The Ministry banks on such Russian manufacturers as The special equipment plant in Vladimir, OOO “Observer” in Kaliningrad and OOO “Podjom” in Togliatti. The planned project of the Resolution is aimed to provide these and other market players with facilitated participation in the trades.

Re-equipment of clinics with use of the budget funds has been planned since October, 2021. It is one of the main provisions of the program of the optimal medical rehabilitation. Under the scheme, it has been decided to buy medical devices according to the standards of equipment of specialized facilities. The Ministry of Healthcare added that the Russian-made products are preferable when the quality and technological characteristics are equal.

In 2022, 8,8 billion rubles will be invested from the federal budget for medical re-equipment. A total amount of about 1500 medical centers should be re-equipped within the period up to 2030.